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Авторы статьи исследовали инновационные аспекты реформирования школьного образования в условиях нового этапа развития Республики Узбекистан. В статье подчеркнута роль школьного образования в успешном осуществлении демократических реформ и развития гражданского общества. Авторы статьи сделали попытку раскрыть миссии школьного образования в обществе, задачи средних школ в воспитании подрастающего поколения и значение деятельности учительских кадров в процессе модернизации образования. Формирование и развития частных школ и увеличение числа специализированных школ, где отдельные предметы изучаются по углубленной программе, стало формой инновационного подхода в процессе совершенствования непрерывного образования и обучение детей.

Ключевые слова

школьное образование, учитель, реформа, опыт

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Библиографические ссылки

  1. Abdullaeva Sh.A., Zainitdinova M.A. Improving the quality of education in the system of retraining and advanced training of pedagogical personnel. Scientific result. pedagogy and psychology of education.-T., 2018, vol. 4. No. 3. P. 3-11.
  2. Speech by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev at the solemn meeting dedicated to the Day of Teachers and Mentors.https: //uza.uz/ru/posts/vystuplenie-prezidenta-respubliki-uzbekistan-shavkata-mirziye-30-09-2020
  3. Speech by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to the deputies of local councils of the Kashkadarin region. https://kun.uz/news/2020/11/13/shavkat-mirziyoyev-qashqadaryo-ozining-salohiyatiga-mos-yashamayapti-mamlakatimizning-kopgina-hududlaridan-ancha-orqada
  4. Speech by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev at the Youth Forum of Uzbekistan dated December 26, 2020.
  5. Changes have been made to the charter for admitting students to specialized schools. https://un.uz/news/2020/12/17/ixtisoslashtirilgan-umumtalim-muassasalariga-oquvchilarni-qabul-qilish-tartibiga-ozgarishlar-kiritildi
  6. There are 140 private schools in Uzbekistan. https://kun.uz/news/2020/11/17/ozbekistonda-140ta-xususiy-maktab-faoliyat-yuritmoqda-vazirlik
  7. In Uzbekistan, only 29% of working teachers in kindergartens have higher education. https://kun.uz/news/2021/01/08/bogcha-pedagoglarining-qanchasi-oliy-malumotli-ekani-malum-qilindi A new position is being introduced in general education schools. https://kun.uz/news/2020/12/22/umumtalim-muassasalarida-yangi-lavozim-joriy-etiladi
  8. In Uzbekistan, as a result of the pandemic, about 1 million schoolchildren may find themselves in poverty. mumkin-yunisef.
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  10. Gapparov B.N., Zhulanov I.O. The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Law "On Education" are the foundations of legislation in the field of pedagogy. // Society. 2020. No. 1 (16). S. 69-70.
  11. Dzhamalova D. Pedagogical and educational views of Eastern thinkers. Problems of modern science and education. 2020. No. 3 (148). S. 91-93.
  12. Zhuraev B.T. Monuments of Bukhara - a source of education for the young generation // Problems of modern science and education, -T., 2020. No. 11 (156). S. 61-64.
  13. Ibragimova G.N., Usmanova M.Z. Features of the modern system of preschool education in the Republic of Uzbekistan. // Management of a pre-school educational institution. 2020. No. 5. p. 16-21.
  14. Inoyatova D.M. Interfaith tolerance in Uzbekistan Problems of modern science and education. -T., 2018. No. 12 (132). S. 67-69.
  15. Kakhkharov S. Problems of military-patriotic education in pedagogy (on the example of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Russian Federation). In the collection: Historical and cultural ties between Russia and Uzbekistan and the prospects for humanitarian cooperation in the modern period. Collection of materials of the international scientific conference. Ser. ""Eurasian crossroads"", 2018. S. 179-182.
  16. Kadirova Kh.A., Kadirova N.A. Formation of a national outlook among future teachers (based on folklore) // Bulletin of Science and Education. –T., 2020. No. 5-2 (83). S. 42-45.
  17. How education is being reformed in Uzbekistan. June 19, 2020. https://vestikavkaza.ru/material/308539
  18. Mamatov A.M. The development of the giftedness of primary school students in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Secondary vocational education. 2020. No. 8 (300). S. 63-65.
  19. A senatorial inquiry has been sent to the Minister of Public Education. https://news.mail.ru/politics/44941207/
  20. Mirzaakhmedov M.N. Jurisprudence in schools of the Republic of Uzbekistan: analysis of legal incidents as an element of problem learning. In the collection: Student scientific forum 2021. Collection of articles of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. - Penza, 2021.S. 230-232.
  21. Nagmetova N.M. Spiritual development of students in schools of Uzbekistan. Pedagogy. –T., 2017. No. 4. P. 112-114.
  22. UNICEF report on the situation of children in Uzbekistan 2019/2020 https://kun.uz/news/2020/11/29/ozbekistonda-9-yoshga-tolmagan-bolalarning-uchdan-bir-qismi-eng-kambagal-qatlamdagi-oilalarda-yashaydi-yunisef
  23. Helping schools with highly qualified teachers where there is a low learning rate. https://kun.uz/news/2021/10/20/talim-darajasi-yuqori-bolmagan-maktablar-malakali-pedagoglar-bilan-kuchaytiriladi
  24. Message from the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to the Oliy Majlis dated December 29, 2020.
  25. Rakhimov Z.T., Shonazarov Z.U. Innovative activity of future teachers and factors of its formation // Vestnik nauki.-T., 2021. T. 1. No. 1 (34). S. 14-18.
  26. Ruzieva D.I. Influence of teacher training on the progressive development of Uzbekistan. Scientific result // Pedagogy and psychology of education. –T., 2018. vol. 4. No. 1. p. 12-21.
  27. Sadullaev D.S. Educational and language policy of Uzbekistan: the formation of a new school - the school of humanity Bulletin of the Chelyabinsk State University. Series: right. 2018.v. 3. No. 4.P. 17-19.


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