In the article, the authors investigated the place and role of learning foreign languages in the preparation of highly qualified bachelors. Teaching and learning foreign languages in Uzbekistan has become one of the priorities in preparing young people for social life, and expanding their horizons as students. A foreign language is an important kind of key in the knowledge of the secrets of the social humanities and fundamental sciences, including the core disciplines. Taking into account the importance of the mission of a foreign language, and the formation of the moral and spiritual world of students, especially in the knowledge of the essence, the process of deepening market economic relations, cardinal measures are being taken in the higher education system to deepen the study of foreign languages. An innovative approach to learning a foreign language is closely related to increasing the quality requirements of teaching foreign languages in higher educational institutions. The article highlights the role of foreign languages in the professional training of competent personnel. The authors emphasize that under the conditions of a new stage of the country's development, students show an increased interest in learning foreign languages.
foreign language, youth, students
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