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Maqolada o‘zbek filolog-rus olimlariga rus tilini o‘rgatish jarayoniga innovatsion usullarni joriy etishning dolzarbligi muhokama qilinadi. Rus tilini o'qitishda asosiy narsa o'rganishning funktsional printsipi va o'quvchilarning kommunikativ kompetensiyasi muhimligi masalalari muhokama qilinadi. Shuningdek, direktiv ta'lim modeli o'rnini yanada samaraliroq va talabaning shaxsiyatiga yo'naltirilgan interfaol model egallashi bois rus tilini o'qitishning yangi yondashuvlari, shakllari va innovatsion usullarini jadal izlanish haqida gapiriladi.

Ключевые слова

o'qitish usullari, ta'lim, innovatsion

PDF (English)

Библиографические ссылки

  1. Lvov, M. R. Dictionary-reference book on the methodology of teaching the Russian language / M. R. Lvov. - M.: Academy, 1999.
  2. Methods of teaching the Russian language at school: a textbook for universities / M. T. Baranov [and others]; ed. M. T. Baranova. - M.: Academy, 2000.
  3. Tekuchev, A. V. Methods of the Russian language in secondary school / A. V. Tekuchev. - M.: Education, 1980.
  4. Reader on the methodology of the Russian language: Russian as a subject of teaching: a guide for the teacher / comp. A. V. Tekuchev. - M.: Education, 1988.
  5. Vygotsky L.S. Thinking and speech // Selected. psychol. research M., 1956. 517 p.
  6. Mitusova O.A. Linguistic component of the model of a modern specialist // Construction-2001: materials of the Intern. Scientific and Practical Conf. Rostov n/D.: RGSU, 2003, pp. 114–118.
  7. Schukin N.A. Methods of teaching verbal communication in a foreign language. Moscow: Ikar, 2011, pp. 154–157.
  8. Lvov, M. R. Dictionary-reference book on the methodology of teaching the Russian language / M. R. Lvov. – M.: Academy, 1999.
  9. Methods of teaching the Russian language at school: a textbook for universities / M. T. Baranov [and others]; ed. M. T. Baranova. – M.: Academy, 2000.
  10. Tekuchev, A. V. Methods of the Russian language in secondary school / A. V. Tekuchev. – M.: Enlightenment, 1980.
  11. Reader on the methodology of the Russian language: Russian as a subject of teaching: a guide for the teacher / comp. A. V. Tekuchev. – M.: Enlightenment, 1988.


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