Ushbu maqolada rus tilini o'qitish jarayonini rivojlantirishning umumiy strategiyasi masalasi boshqa chet tillariga qiziqish ortib borayotganligi nuqtai nazaridan muhokama qilinadi.
Ключевые слова
kommunikativ kompetentsiya, madaniyatlararo muloqotga tayyorgarlik,, ritorika
Библиографические ссылки
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- Soosar N., Zamkovaya N. Interactive methods of teaching and learning. St. Petersburg, 2004.
- Azizkhodjaeva N.N. Pedagogical technologies and pedagogical skills, Tashkent, 2003.
- Zhalolov Zh. Methods of teaching foreign languages. Tashkent, Ukituvchi, 1996.
- Farberman B. L. Advanced pedagogical technologies. Tashkent, 2000
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