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В данной статье рассматривается отношение Объединенных Арабских Эмиратов к религиозным проблемам на Ближнем Востоке, особенно в Йемене, и их активное участие в поиске решений. Актуальность и важность данной статьи показывает тот факт, что в последние годы, особенно в последние месяцы, движение Хуситов стало часто упоминаемой темой в мировых СМИ. В этой научной статье представлена ​​информация о движении хуситов в Йемене и борьбе Арабские государства Персидского залива, особенно ОАЭ с движением хуситов.

Ключевые слова

Объединенные Арабские Эмираты, Йемен, религиозные проблемы, Ближний Восток, движение хуситов.

PDF (English)

Библиографические ссылки

  1. Hoffman, Valerie J. (2019). “Making the New Middle East: Politics, Culture, and Human Rights.” Syracuse University Press, p:59.
  2. Abdulelah Taqi. (2015). “Houthi propaganda: following in Hizballah’s footsteps.” TheNewArab https://www.newarab.com/opinion/houthi-propaganda-following-hizballahs-footsteps
  3. Thalia Rahme. (2015). “Debunking Media Myths About the Houthis in War-Torn Yemen.” GlobalVoices https://globalvoices.org/2015/04/01/debunking-media-myths-about-the-houthis-in-war-torn-yemen/
  4. DURAC, V. (2011). “The Joint Meeting Parties and the Politics of Opposition in Yemen.” British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, Vol.38, No.3, pp:343–365.
  5. Islam Hassan. (2015). “GCC’s 2014 Crisis: Causes, Issues and Solutions.” Gulf Cooperation Council’s Challenges and Prospects, pp:78-86.
  6. Christian Edwards. (2024). “Who are the Houthis and why are they attacking ships in the Red Sea?” CNN https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/19/middleeast/red-sea-crisis-explainer-houthi-yemen-israel-intl/index.html
  7. Thomas Juneau. (2016). “Iran’s policy towards the Houthis in Yemen: a limited return on a modest investment”. International Affairs, Vol.92, No.3, pp:647–663.
  8. Ahmed Nagi. (2019). “Yemen’s Houthis Used Multiple Identities to Advance.” Carnegie Middle East Centre https://carnegie-mec.org/2019/03/19/yemen-s-houthis-used-multiple-identities-to-advance-pub-78623
  9. Asher Orkaby. (2015). “Houthi Who? A History of Unlikely Alliances in an Uncertain Yemen.” ForeignAffairs https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/middle-east/2015-03-25/houthi-who
  10. Kali Robinson. (2024). “Iran’s Support of the Houthis: What to Know?” Council on Foreign Relations https://www.cfr.org/in-brief/irans-support-houthis-what-know
  11. Statement by Saudi Ambassador Al-Jubeir on Military Operations in Yemen | The Embassy of The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia https://www.saudiembassy.net/press-release/statement-saudi-ambassador-al-jubeir-military-operations-yemen
  12. Neil Partrick. (2016). “What Does Saudi Arabia Want in Yemen?” Carnegie Endowment for International Peace https://carnegieendowment.org/sada/64525
  13. Dogan-Akkas, B. (2021). “The UAE’s foreign policymaking in Yemen: from bandwagoning to buck-passing.” Third World Quarterly, Vol.42, No.4, pp:717–735.
  14. May Darwich. (2018). “The Saudi Intervention in Yemen.” The Gulf on the verge global challenges and regional dynamics, Vol.20, No.2, pp:125-142.
  15. Katherine Zimmerman. (2016). “Yemen Situation Report.” CriticalThreats https://www.criticalthreats.org/briefs/yemen-situation-report/2016-yemen-crisis-situation-report-april-19
  16. State of the War – The Yemen Review, January-February 2022 – Sana’a Center For Strategic Studies https://sanaacenter.org/the-yemen-review/jan-feb-2022/17005
  17. Peter Salisbury. (2021). “Yemen’s Southern Transitional Council: A Delicate Balancing Act.” CrisisGroup https://www.crisisgroup.org/middle-east-north-africa/gulf-and-arabian-peninsula/yemen/yemens-southern-transitional-council-delicate-balancing-act
  18. Aziz El Yaakoubi. (2019). “UAE troop drawdown in Yemen was agreed with Saudi Arabia: official.” Reuters https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN1U31XS/
  19. “3 Middle East and North Africa: Yemen.” (2022). Armed Conflict Survey, Vol.8, No.1, pp:164–174.


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