In this article, after the introduction of Islam to Central Asia, local traditions and values were combined with Islamic culture in Movarounnahr, its southern region, Kashkadarya region, became a part of the large state associations of the East, and the names of the representatives of the Islamic world in the oasis: representatives of Sufism, Companions, Sayyids, Khojas, etc. and information about the presence of symbolic graves. At the same time, in the architectural architecture of the region, it is said that the construction of mausoleums with a dome-shaped central room was developed mainly in the 19th-19th centuries, and later there were mosques, a call to prayer tower, a pool for water use, ablution rooms, and even madrasas in some places. The construction style of mausoleums: The history of the 10th-15th century memorials of Timur and Timurids, the unique architectural monuments built in the 15th-15th centuries, the architecture of shrines typical of the 15th-15th centuries, the examples of historical monuments of the 10th-20th centuries are covered in detail based on primary sources, archival data, and field research materials.
Qarshi, Kesh, Nasaf, Naqshab Sufism, scholar, scholar, monument, mausoleum, mosque, madrasa, shrine, architectural archive, document.
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