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The article is devoted to the specific types of traditional carpet weaving in the Nurata oasis and the research conducted by scientists to study them. The features of the traditions of carpet weaving, transmitted from ancestors to generations, the state of the carpet weaving traditions of the Nurata oasis, as well as historical and ethnographic features are studied. Attention is paid to the traditions of carpet weaving, which occupies a worthy place in the lifestyle of the oasis population, and the historical and ethnographic description of some types of carpets that have survived in the oasis to this day. Described attention to the production of types of carpets and proposals in this regard. In general, some aspects of the art of carpet weaving, which played a key role in the traditional crafts of the Turkmen, tom, palace and Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Tajiks, who have been living in the Nurata oasis for many years, are highlighted. After all, carpet weaving, which is the oldest traditional textile industry of mankind, has always had its own ethno-local features. A special place in this is occupied by the Nurata oasis, one of the historical and cultural regions of Uzbekistan.


Nurata oasis, crafts, traditional



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